
undefined Dejan Hajdukovic
Nachname Hajdukovic
Vorname Dejan
Künstlername -
Geburtsdatum 27.09.1993
Jahrgang 1993
Grösse 185
Nationalität Kroatien
Position Mittelfeld,Offensives Mittelfeld
Verein NK Halubjan
A-Nationalspieler nein
Webseite -
Zugriffe 11486
Dejan Hajdukovic

Spieler bewerten:

44 ratings ø 1.36

Info: I have always had the dream to make it as a professional player. I just feel i can make it with a bit of help. It is my life. I want to play soccer and be happy for the rest of my life and i will do or try anything in order to succeed. I know i have the ability, have played with a lot of brilliant players and with some of the best teams. I will only be happy when i make it. Why like Soccer? It is my life. It makes me truly happy and i will be 100% commited to it. I dont care about the money, i just know in my heart i was born to compete on the highest stage. The football comes before anything I do off the pitch. (Fremdeingabe)

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